Genital Warts Prescription Treatment
Convenient Telehealth
Genital warts are soft growths on the skin around the pelvic region and mucous membranes of the genitals. They are flesh-colored and can be flat or look bumpy like cauliflower. They may be found on the penis, vagina, cervix, and around the anus.
The virus that causes genital warts is called human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). There are more than 180 types of HPV. There are a few strains of HPV that cause precancerous changes increasing the risk of vaginal cancer, anal cancer and throat or mouth cancer.
Genital warts can be treated, but they can’t be cured. The warts can be removed, but you’ll still have the HPV that causes them. Your body may clear the virus at some point on its own, but there’s no way to know for sure. It is possible for warts to return later after treatment.
Topical treatments can be prescribed for use at home to remove warts. Don’t try to treat genital warts with over-the-counter wart removers. These medications aren’t intended for use in the genital area.
Save time, money, and hassles
Quick urgent care and attention
Affordable quality care for all
Expectant Management
- With time, genital warts can sometimes clear on their own..
- Time to resolution varies from several months to years.
Topical Medication
- Applying medicated cream directly to the warts.
- Medications typically used include Podofilox (Condylox) and Imiquimod (Aldara, Zyclara).
Direct Removal
- Options include minor surgery, cryotherapy, electrocautery or laser therapy.
- These options can be performed by your doctor in the office.
How does it work?
1.Sign Up
Click the Sign-Up button below and register with us on the Push Health platform. It’s safe and secure, and sign up is free.
2. Message Us
After signing up, you can place a prescription request or just message us through the platform.
3. Get Treatment
We will review your info, and message you back. Once approved, prescriptions will be sent to your pharmacy of choice
Hours of operation: Monday – Sunday 9AM – 9 PM After hour requests will be addressed the following day.
Virtual consult through messaging or phone call with prescription sent to your pharmacy is
Conditions we are unable to treat
- We do not see patients under the age of 18
- Our services are only available in Florida.
- We are unable to provide treatment for internal warts such as lesions inside the mouth, vagina or anus.